
CoolSculpting®和Cooltone®是单独的非侵入性医学美学程序,旨在分别消除靶向皮下脂肪和增强肌肉。Allergan Aesthetics使用传热和电磁模拟来增强这些过程。

雷切尔·基特利(Rachel Keatley)

在1970年代,人们观察到婴儿在吃冰棍后可以在脸颊上发展酒窝。为什么?当暴露于冷疗法时,一些婴儿的脂肪细胞会死亡,导致较小的凹痕形成(参考文献1)。几十年后,这种现象被称为“冰棍胸肌炎”,帮助激发了无创脂肪减少治疗的基础:CoolSculpting®。由Dieter Manstein博士和哈佛医学院的Rox Anderson博士发明,CoolSculpting®目标并杀死了脂肪细胞,而不会使用称为冻约的脂肪溶解方法损坏周围的组织。

Joel Jimenez Lozano博士是Abbvie Company Allergan Aesthetics的高级科学家,帮助设计CoolSculpting®技术。希门尼斯·洛萨诺(Jimenez Lozano)说:“该过程使处理的脂肪细胞冷却以用涂抹剂预先指定的温度。这些脂肪细胞结晶,然后通过细胞凋亡死亡。死脂肪细胞逐渐被我们自己的身体自然过程逐渐去除。”由于近年来,CoolSculpting®凭借最少到无需停机时间所需的后培训,已成为一种备受追捧的消除脂肪处理。FDA清除了该过程,以治疗各种身体区域,包括腹部,背部,侧面,大腿和上臂,以及下巴和下巴下方。

More recently, Allergan Aesthetics developed another procedure to add to its roster: CoolTone®, a nonsurgical body contouring procedure designed to help strengthen and tone muscles with magnetic muscle stimulation. Currently, this treatment is FDA cleared to treat abdomen, thigh, and gluteal muscles.

To design optimized applicators for the CoolSculpting® treatment and to gain a deeper understanding of the magnetic phenomena involved in the CoolTone® procedure, Jimenez Lozano and his team are using simulation.

Freezing Fat with Plates and Cups


"Now, we offer a cup-shaped applicator design, which provides efficient heat extraction from the treatment area when using the CoolSculpting® system," said Jimenez Lozano. The cooling cup applicators are metallic, use thermoelectric cooling technology, and come in different sizes. "The cups were designed so that clinicians can cool the whole fat bulge, not just the fat between the parallel plates."

A CoolSculpting Elite System on wheels for portability with two applicators shown attached to the unit and displayed on blue pedestals.

In addition to providing patients with a more comfortable procedure, the cup applicators have reduced the treatment time from 60 to 35 minutes. For body areas where a clinician cannot draw tissue into a vacuum cup, such as the lateral thighs, a 3-panel flat applicator is available for use. Prior to the fabrication of these improved applicators, Jimenez Lozano and his team analyzed their designs with heat transfer simulation.


为了设计优化的冷却杯涂抹器,重要的是要了解患者的组织如何在各种温度下与这些杯子相互作用。但是,在现实生活中测量这种相互作用可能对患者感到不舒服。模拟可以帮助避免此问题。希门尼斯·洛扎诺(Jimenez Lozano)在他的工作中研究组织温度及其在CoolSculpting®处理过程中的短暂变化。他的目标是增强CoolSculpting®冷却杯的性能,同时保留其安全性。与comsol多物理学®在CoolSculpting®处理过程中,他对仿真软件和附加传热模块进行了建模冷却杯和组织相互作用。


为了验证他的模型,希门尼斯·洛扎诺(Jimenez Lozano)使用临床数据。希门尼斯·洛扎诺(Jimenez Lozano)说:“一旦验证了模型,您就会更愿意对设计进行预测。”“通过我们的组织模型中达到的温度评估的冷冻液化损伤组织的程度与我们的人类组织学测量一致”(参考文献2)。

通过从模拟中获得的信息,Allergan Aesthetics能够改善其涂抹器的设计,进而减少治疗时间。改进的技术可以在世界各地的医疗水疗中心,皮肤科办公室和整形手术实践中找到。


在Allergan Aesthetics上使用仿真并不能使用CoolSculpting®技术停止。希门尼斯·洛扎诺(Jimenez Lozano)和他的团队还将其用于优化最近开发的Cooltone®系统。

An applicator held up in a blue latex-gloved hand.

希门尼斯·洛扎诺(Jimenez Lozano)说:“这与脂肪无关,而与肌肉有关。”“Cooltone®会产生与靶组织相互作用的电磁场。它在肌肉上诱导电流,该电流会产生肌肉收缩,并最终可以增强,音调并结实肌肉。”

A model of an abdomen with a circular disc to represent the CoolTone applicator, magnetic field shown as arrows around the abdomen, and temperature shown in rainbow.
An anatomically accurate CAD model showing someone's abdomen, torso, and upper arms, as well as a CoolTone applicator resting on the abdomen.
图4.在Cooltone®处理过程中显示峰值磁场(弯曲线)和腹部肌肉中的电场的模拟(左)。带有Cooltone®涂抹器(右)的解剖学CAD模型。CAD模型可以在COMSOL多物理学中进行分析®with the add-on CAD Import Module.

为了更深入地了解电磁肌肉刺激背后的物理学以及电流对组织的影响,该团队使用电磁学模拟。希门尼斯·洛扎诺(Jimenez Lozano)说:“要真正知道磁场如何在组织中相互作用,您必须对其进行建模。”在对肌肉,腹部和皮肤进行建模时,研究团队使用逼真的,解剖学精确的几何形状。总体而言,这些模拟提高了对施加器组件及其对目标肌肉群体的电磁性能的理解。


At Allergan Aesthetics, Jimenez Lozano and his team use simulation applications to showcase their heat transfer and electromagnetics simulation work to internal specialists and nonspecialists alike. Apps are built with the Application Builder in COMSOL Multiphysics®。“与不使用comsol的人进行沟通®in their work is easier with apps," said Jimenez Lozano.

Figure 5. A simulation application designed by Jimenez Lozano to investigate tissue temperatures at different parameters during the CoolSculpting® treatment.

例如,当展示非专业人士的仿真应用coolSculpting®涂抹器冷却杯时,希门尼斯·洛扎诺(Jimenez Lozano)很容易迅速证明如何改变某些参数(例如杯子的处理时间或温度)如何影响该过程的结果。Allergan工程师还使用应用程序在会议上介绍其工作,在某些情况下,为监管机构提交的支持提供了支持数据。

The Future of the Cosmetic Procedure Industry

至于未来,Allergan Aesthetics计划继续开发新产品,并提高对设备功能和设备 - 周期互动的理解。乐动体育app无法登录

In the United States, over 16.3 million minimally invasive and/or noninvasive cosmetic procedures were performed in 2019 — a number that has more than tripled over the past two decades (Ref. 3). Jimenez Lozano believes noninvasive procedures will continue to grow in popularity thanks to their ability to nonsurgically target and treat specific areas on the body with short recovery times.


Joel Jimenez Lozano would like to thank all whose engineering work, research, and support contributed to the development of the technology presented in this article. In addition, Jimenez Lozano would like to extend a special thank you to George Frangineas, executive director of the Advanced Development team at Allergan Aesthetics; Linda Pham, PhD; Peter Yee; Like Zeng, PhD; and Andrew Wong, Paul Allan, and Tuan Mai, members of the Advanced Development team.


  1. Epstein and M. Oren, "Popsicle Panniculitis",新英格兰医学杂志, vol. 282, 17, pp. 966–7, 1970.
  2. Jimenez Lozano, J., Assessment of Subcutaneous fat injury, depth of injury and temperature threshold after cryolipolysis, Lasers in Surgery and Medicine, Vol. 51, S30, Abstracts 39thASLMS Conference, February 2019.
  3. "Plastic Surgery Statistics Report",American Society of Plastic Surgeons®, 2019.

CoolSculpting®和Cooltone®是Abbvie Company的Zeltiq Aesthetics,Inc。的商标。