
Mihir Bhalerao1,Alok Thanapati1,Chandrakant Deshmukh1,T。K。Hareesh1
1Mahindra和Mahindra Ltd.,钦奈,印度泰米尔纳德邦

在任何汽车项目的开头,都会生成初步概念结构,这些结构需要以快速有效的方式进行分析。需要尽早对不同结构元素(例如底盘框架,货车,横梁等)进行优化和前载的概念。由于许多公用事业车辆在印度仍然具有车身建设,并考虑了框架设计对产品开发过程的影响,因此本文将重点关注框架概念开发和分析。使用结构力学模块在COMSOLMultiphysics®中尝试对梯帧进行静态分析。参数3D地球分子是在ComsolMultiphysics®中的CAD环境中构建的,使用每个结构内置几何形状。如有可能,几何形状与车辆尺寸相关,以了解其对系统的影响。插入结构的材料特性,并将模型与光束元素啮合。使用常用的部分类型(例如管道,盒子帽子等)将每个梁的部分插入为输入,这些部分在comsolMultiphysics®中预先定义。根据ComsolMultiphysics®的固定研究中的测试标准,该模型被加载并约束。评估所得的位移和应力,并得出最终的性能参数,例如弯曲刚度和扭转刚度。 For eigenfrequency analysis, the same meshed model is simulated to get the global frequencies and mode shapes. These values are validated with the physical testing and a correlation of more than 80% was achieved. These models are useful in doing parametric sweeps to understand the sensitivities of different parameters on the performance of the structure. The advantage of beam modelling over the detailed 3D CAE workflow is the speed at which analysis can be completed. Multiple concepts can be assessed for different parameters very quickly. The COMSOL Multiphysics® model is also converted to Application using App Builder. This gives the design engineer to have an interface having desired sets of inputs and output, which reduces the effort and gives out the results even faster. The application is uploaded in COMSOL Server™ which gives a platform for authorized users inside the organization to access the apps. An executable(.exe) file is also created to get access to the application without the requirement of a license. This study enables front-loading of global stiffness, modal frequency, durability and weight targets of the vehicle in early stage of product development. It also helps the design engineer to identify the good and bad design space and gives an efficient initial values and range of parameters to proceed. With this knowledge, efficient concept generation and evaluation takes place which speeds up the product development process.